I have a Dog and I Vote !
Candidate response deadline is Oct 15. Check below for their positions on our issue.
Know who you are voting for in November, ask if they support beach access for our dogs!
Responses here.... click here
Responses here.... click here ...
We have publishing an unbiased, non-partisan, Oceanside City Council Incumbent and Candidate Position Statements of our key issue around Oceanside, including the adoption of beach access for our dogs.
Adoption would mean that they support the planning and execution to create dog access to our beaches, allowing full inclusion and provide for diversity on our shores. Most San Diego County and City beaches already have ordinances allowing access for Service Animals, On-leash portions/hours and Off-leash portions/hours.
Follow our Social Media and join our emailing list and volunteer!

Do you want a dog beach in Oceanside?
We are a non profit dedicated to opening oceanside beaches for our dogs
Show your support through your signature and staying up to date with the initiative.